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Update a Webhook Endpoint



This endpoint updates an existing webhook endpoint.


Path Parameters

    webhookId stringrequired

    The unique identifier of the webhook.


The new details of the webhook endpoint to be updated.

    url stringrequired

    The URL where the webhook endpoint will send data to. This is a required property.

    description string

    A human-readable description of the webhook endpoint. This can be used for documentation or additional context.


The updated list of webhook settings.


    _id string

    A unique string identifier for the webhook endpoint.

    url stringrequired

    The URL where the webhook endpoint will send data to.

    description string

    A human-readable description of the webhook endpoint. This can be used for documentation or additional context.

    _createdAt date-time

    The date and time when the webhook endpoint was created, formatted as a string in ISO 8601 format.
