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Signature Proof Webhooks

This webhook is received when events related to a signature proof are triggered.

The Global object received - [type : IgnisignWebhook_ActionDto]

This is the global object that is POST to your application when a webhook event is triggered.

topicStringYesFixed value : "SIGNATURE_PROOF"
actionIGNISIGN_WEBHOOK_ACTION_SIGNATURE_PROOFYesThe action that is associated to the webhook event
msgNatureIGNISIGN_WEBHOOK_MESSAGE_NATUREYesThe type of message
contentIgnisignWebhookDto_SignatureProofNoThe content of the webhook
errorIgnisignErrorNoRhe eventual error
appIdstringYesThe appId associated to the event
appEnvIGNISIGN_APPLICATION_ENVYesThe appEnv associated to the event
verificationTokenstringYesA token that can be used to verify that the webhook comes from ignisign

SDKs treat automatically these calls and provide to you a callback registration mecanism of typed events.

When you use the SDks:

  • The verificationToken is automatically verified.
  • The appId and appEnv are automatically checked.
  • Only topic, action, msgNature, content and error are available in the callbacks.

The Content object : [type: IgnisignWebhookDto_SignatureProof ]

appIdstringYesThe appId associated to the event
appEnvIGNISIGN_APPLICATION_ENVYesThe appEnv associated to the event
signatureRequestIdstringYesThe id of the signature request associated to the signature
signatureRequestExternalIdstringNoAn external reference (your reference) if you had provided it when you have created the signature request
documentIdstringYesThe id of the document associated to the signature
documentExternalIdstringNoAn external reference (your reference) if you had provided it when you have created the document

The Error object : [type: IgnisignError]

errorCodeIGNISIGN_ERROR_CODESyesThe Error code
messagestringnoA human readable message describing the error
contextobject (any)noA map of key value pairs that provide additional context to the error

    • GENERATED : This event is triggered when a signature proof is generated
    • ADV_GENERATED : This event is triggered when an advanced signature proof is generated
  • IGNISIGN_WEBHOOK_MESSAGE_NATURE: Represents the nature or type of a message associated with a webhook event in the IgniSign application.

    • INFO : The message is related provided to provide information (per example a status update)
    • SUCCESS : The message is related to a success (per example a signature session is completed)
    • WARNING : The message is related to a warning (an action is completed but with some warnings)
    • ERROR : The message is related to an error (an action has failed)